Hey some one hearing me. I am having some teerific ideas from here and there. Yeah you are correct the ideas are being inspired from here and there....
I mean I am looking in to new Web 2.0 companies and really wondering what will be the next thing . I know I am good at the business plans and all but still lacks the IT skill to put the things to the Board...
Hope fully you will see me some up with some thing.....
Mean while I updated the talludus blog page with new template... This makes sense just because its not the default page of the word press..This one is really good just because it cliched I didnt like it...
So mean while stay tuned. takkudu blog
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Businesss ideaaa pouring in
Posted by
Vijaychandran Veerachandran
9:02 PM