The below article is from Mr Fred Wilson A VC blog. His blog is the most respected in its category ... Please feel free to go through his blog..
you can read similar articles in the link above....or summary below.
Private Equity - The Job of Choice?
It used to be that the ultimate career goal was the CEO job at a Fortune 100 company.
But these days, it seems that people are leaving those jobs aside and heading to private equity instead.
In the past week, I've read three stories that made this realization hit home
1 - Colin Powell, former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Cheif of Staff of the US Military joins Kleiner Perkins as a special limited partner.
2 - Sandy Weill, former Chairman and CEO, of Citibank wants to leave Citi early to start a buyout firm.
3 - John Joyce, head of IBM's Services Group, which represents over half of IBM's revenues, gets off the CEO track to join Silver Lake Partners, a technology buyout firm.
It seems that private equity and venture capital is the career of choice these days.
I really agrrew with his artcile. My own icon Mr Vivek paul.. The CEO and CTO of Wipro the richest software company in India my Azim Premji ( Worlds no 7 Rich guy)..
He resigned form the job to join some venture Capitalist job...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Private Equity - The Job of Choice?
Posted by
Vijaychandran Veerachandran
12:21 PM