Monday, January 01, 2007

Great read for New Year

Face value | Delhi dreams |

Delhi dreams

Dec 19th 2006
From The Economist print edition
Sanjeev Aggarwal believes that venture capital is about to boom in India


“THE propensity for risk-taking in India has gone up a lot,” says Sanjeev Aggarwal. Back in 2000, when he left his safe job at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), an American multinational, to launch a start-up, most Indian businesspeople were highly risk-averse, as were their families. “My wife was very worried about me leaving the security of a salary at DEC,” he recalls. Now a growing number of Indians are keen to risk becoming entrepreneurs, which is why Mr Aggarwal recently helped found a venture-capital firm, Helion Venture Partners, to help them succeed—and to enable him to get a piece of the action.

This increased appetite for risk has several causes. As India's economy has

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