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Friday, August 19, 2005
Angel Investor tips
Posted by
Vijaychandran Veerachandran
8:51 AM
VIkram S Pandit The big wallstreet bankers ..Read Morgan Stanley
Here with given is a short Biographical sketch
The below details is from Newyork metro news
Vikram Pandit, Morgan Stanley's co-head of Institutional Securities. Last year, the 45-year-old native of Bombay made $7.5 million; the year before, $10.6 million. It's big money, but it's also a big responsibility that he bears: With 15,000 people worldwide reporting up to him, Pandit oversees the division that contributes over 60 percent of Morgan Stanley's $2.2 billion bottom line. Numbers like that tend to bring out a little bit of strut in a banker, but that's not the case with Pandit.
Though his large office in Morgan Stanley's flashy headquarters on Broadway is just down the hall from his boss Purcell's, it is free of the doodads that generally adorn a high-level Wall Street banker's lair. No tombstones, no framed photos on the wall of grip-and-grins with hotshots, no basketball hoop in the corner, no souvenirs from far-flung lands. Just an immaculate desk and a flat-screen monitor. "Maybe I've been spoiled," he says with a self-deprecating smile. "But I've been sheltered from the Gordon Gekko idea of Wall Street."
With his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering and a Ph.D. in finance from Columbia, Pandit joined Morgan Stanley in 1983 as an associate. In just seven years, he had become managing director, and by 1994 he was running the firm's equity-derivatives business. In late 2000, in the wake of a purge of old-line Morgan Stanley bankers, he was handpicked by Purcell to co-run all the firm's trading operations.
Pandit is a slight, bespectacled man who speaks in such a soft, self-effacing voice that he barely registers on a tape recorder. He is an unlikely corporate killer, which, say Morgan Stanley hands who know him well, is the secret of his success. Ph.D. smarts, his low profile, and his ability to attract powerful patrons (first Mack while he was president at Morgan Stanley, now Purcell) have been enough to send him on his way. "What attracted me to the industry was that this was a business that could be interesting and a lot of fun. But to do well, you have to put a lot of yourself into it," he says. "I have to admit there is a sense of accomplishment that comes along with it." Pandit speaks in a voice stripped of the slightest shred of ego. He speaks of the firm in place of himself. Not in the slick manner of a salesman but as someone who might very well bleed a little Morgan Stanley blue.
Update: He and other tow prominent bankers resigned from the job on may 2005 as CEO Purcell had appointed some one as a Vice presdent CEO .. He was supposed to get the job..
Posted by
Vijaychandran Veerachandran
7:32 AM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Yahoo and voip.. god knows whats going onnn
I dont know what the hell is going in the Cyber world.. People will be fully confused no doughst about it.. I know its their priority to keep the secrecy .. Some time i just felt like its oo much
Yahoo is providing Voip from slashdot.. Said by some analyst from piper jaffrey I believe. Read slashdot
Here comes other news its not.. That too with in 2 hrs
What to believe and what should i dont..Chekc internet news..
Personallu I am waiting for the Yahoos voip which shoukld be obvioulsy less price or some one comes for free..
Let us hope for the best
Posted by
Vijaychandran Veerachandran
7:25 PM